Call of duty mg42
Call of duty mg42

call of duty mg42 call of duty mg42

The SOF Target Designator then adds a 60% boost to reveal distance. The 17.1" Match Grade barrel does make the MG 82 a bit slower in the sprinting move speed department, but the effective damage range is upped by 100%. That will be followed by the Infantry Compensator to help control vertical recoil. Attachmentsīlack Ops Cold War players can never go wrong with the simple Quickdot LED optic. As an LMG, bulkiness will always be an issue, but the Gunfighter Wildcard will see any of the MG 82's issues resolved. Usually whenever some of your friends are sniping, help them out by deploying it in a spot where a ladder comes through, giving your friends more secure cover, and one less way to be attacked.

call of duty mg42

Its attachments include a bipod, so if youre near a ledge it can easily deployed into a turret. When choosing the right attachments, it is important to think about what needs a bit of help. The MG42 is a machine gun with a high rate of fire, but a low reload time. New weapons in Season 4: - MG 82: LMG (Launch)- C58: Assault Rifle (Launch)- Nail Gun: Special/SMG (Launch)- OTs 9: SMG (In-Season)- Mace: Melee (In-Season) #ColdWar #Season4 #Warzone #Multiplayer #Zombies /hDe9zUxYNI- Call Of Duty INTEL June 14, 2021

Call of duty mg42